By now, most schools have started their summer break for the year. Figuring out ways to keep your kids entertained and active, while still retaining some peace of mind for yourself might be tricky at times. Don’t worry, we’re here to help! An Xplora smartwatch will make the ultimate summer companion.
Let your kids create a Summer Bucket List
By letting your kids create their own list of summer activities, you’re insuring that they’re consciously thinking about what they would like to spend their time doing as well as providing them with a sense of independence. Give your children some guidelines for the list, such as types of activities, and that a certain amount of them have to be outdoor activities. Encourage them to get moving! If they have an Xplora smartwatch they can count their steps and earn coins to use on our Activity Platform throughout the summer!
Cooling off in the water?
The X6Play is certified as “water resistant”, and can be used in water up to 1.5 meters (5 feet) deep for half an hour. This means that you don’t have to worry about your kid cooling off in the sprinkler or participating in a good old fashioned water fight. However, if you and your family plan on spending the day at your local pool, lake, or beach, we recommend that your child removes their smartwatch before jumping in. Remember that chlorine, salt water, shampoo, and the like can also affect the water resistance of smartwatches. Learn more.

Freedom for kids, peace of mind for parents!
While millions of children across the country are now taking a well-deserved break from schoolwork, parents still have more than enough on their to-do list. With this in mind, we understand that you might now always be able to keep a close eye on your kids. Maybe they're having a playdate with some friends? Riding their bikes around the neighborhood? No matter where they are or what they’re doing - parents can keep track via Xplora’s GPS feature. Learn more.

With the Parent App, you are connected at all times. In addition to texting and calling, both parents and grandparents can get photo updates from your child’s summer adventures through the smartwatch’s camera function. You can read more about the camera function and all the benefits of X6Play here.
Summer Checklist:
- Sunscreen: Sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, or even more when children are swimming or sweating. Take note that even “waterproof” and “sweat-proof” sunscreens wear off, so reapplying is important.
- Sunglasses: Protecting the eyes is just as important as protecting the skin. Children should wear sunglasses with UV protection category 3. If you’re spending the day seaside, then this should be upped to category 4.
- Stay hydrated: The body needs some extra hydration during those active summer days. Supplement your kid's drinking water with some fresh fruits and veggies - either as a side snack or in the water for some flavor.
- Bring a book or two: Helping to promote less screen time, parents can relax with a good book while simultaneously encouraging the kids to crush their summer reading lists early on.
We at Xplora hope you have a great summer, filled with fun activities and relaxed evenings!
Written By: Nora Netteland