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A Special Offer from Xplora: Celebrating Norway’s National Day

A Special Offer from Xplora: Celebrating Norway’s National Day

May 17th is a day of great celebration in Norway, known as Constitution Day or "Syttende Mai." It’s a time when Norwegians come together to celebrate their nation's independence, culture, and history with parades, traditional attire, and joyful festivities. This year, Xplora is joining in the celebration with a special offer that ties our company's roots to this significant holiday.

Xplora’s Norwegian Heritage

At Xplora, we take pride in our Norwegian roots. Founded in Norway, Xplora was created with a vision to encourage children to be more active and experience the world around them safely. Our mission aligns perfectly with the spirit of May 17th, a day that celebrates freedom, independence, and community.

Special Offer: Celebrate with a Free XGO3 Smartwatch

In honor of Norway’s Constitution Day, we are excited to offer a special promotion. When you sign up for a 24-month subscription with Xplora, you’ll receive a free XGO3 Xplora kids smartwatch. This smartwatch is designed to keep kids active and safe, featuring GPS tracking, voice calls, messaging, and step counting to encourage physical activity.

The XGO3 Xplora kids smartwatch includes:

- GPS Tracking: Know your child’s location at all times for peace of mind.

- Voice Calls and Messages: Stay connected with your child through calls and text messages.

- Step Counter: Encourage healthy habits by tracking daily steps and setting activity goals.

- Safe Zones: Set up designated safe zones and receive alerts when your child enters or leaves these areas.

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Why Choose Xplora?

Our commitment to safety, activity, and fun makes the XGO3 smartwatch an ideal companion for children. With our roots in Norway, we understand the importance of blending technology with real-world exploration and activity, much like the traditional values celebrated on May 17th.

By choosing Xplora, you are not only giving your child a tool for communication but also promoting a lifestyle that values outdoor activities. This aligns perfectly with the celebratory spirit of Norway’s National Day, which emphasizes community, freedom, and joy.

Join the Celebration

As we celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day, we invite you to join us in honoring this special occasion. Take advantage of our limited-time offer to receive a free XGO3 Xplora kids smartwatch with a 24-month subscription. It’s a perfect way to keep your child safe and active while celebrating the values of independence and community that are at the heart of May 17th.

Visit here to learn more about this exclusive offer and how the XGO3 can make a difference in your child’s daily life. 

Happy Constitution Day from all of us at Xplora!

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